History of Menard and
Mason Counties, Illinois, 1879, by Miller & Ruggles
Creek Township
Page 843
ISAAC BELLAS, farmer; P. O. Mason
City; was born in Luzerne Co., Penn., March 2, 1820; his advantages for a common
school education were fair for those days; several winters he engaged in
teaching district schools, and in the summer worked at farming. Before he moved
West, Nov. 21, 1846, ha married Miss Dorcas Benscoter; she was born in the same
county March 17, 1827; they moved to Mason Co., Ill., in April. 1854; he worked
by the day, farming, until fall, when he put in a crop of wheat for himself; the
next spring, he bought the place where he now resides, in Salt Creek Township;
he has never taken any active part politically, but has held some township
offices: twice Assessor, Collector six years, and School Director ten
years; was elected Justice of the Peace once, but declined the office; they have
had eight children: James, born Oct. 4, 1847, died Sept. 15, 1849; Dyson
B., born Jan. 17, 1853, died April 1, 1862 ; Susanna E.. born May 5, 1857; Sarah
A., Dec. 28, 1860, died April 8, 1869; Mary J., born Aug. 7, 1863; Ross, Feb.
25, 1866; Rosa A., Nov. 19, 1868. He owns a nice farm of 120 acres; is a
Republican, and belongs to the Order of Red Men, in Mason
City.Maintained by
Mason County Coordinator Donna Mayer